More peak services on Route 708

We’re adjusting the timetable for Route 708 services between Chelsea Heights and Mentone Station.

From Monday – Friday (school days), there will be an extra service in the afternoon peak.

We’re also adjusting the morning timetable to better coordinate with school bell times.

Services will be more evenly distributed and will run:

  • every seven to eight minutes between 7.30am and 8.00am (from Lynne Street in Chelsea Heights to Southland shopping centre)
  • every seven to eight minutes from 3.15pm to 3.45pm (from Mentone Station to Lynne Street in Chelsea Heights)

At all other times, the route will operate seven days a week every 30 minutes Monday to Friday, and hourly Saturday and Sundays. 

Regular Route 708 trips between Carrum to Hampton will not change.

The new timetable will start from 17 November 2019. View your new timetable.