Timetable and route path changes for Glenrowan, Wangaratta and Yarrawonga bus services

What’s changing on the Glenrowan to Wangaratta and Yarrawonga to Wangaratta bus services?

From Sunday 28 August, all Glenrowan to Wangaratta and Yarrawonga to Wangaratta bus services will terminate at Wangaratta Town Centre. This bus currently operates to Wangaratta station but does not connect to train services.

What’s is changing on the Wangaratta to Yarrawonga bus services?

From Sunday 28 August, Tuesday and Thursday AM bus services to Yarrawonga will start 30 minutes later following the completion of the school run.

On Tuesday and Thursday PM services, additional stops will be added to the timetable at Plentyfish Ct, Church Street/Wangaratta Road and Warby Range Road.

To plan your journey, view the new timetables Glenrowan - Wangaratta (PDF) 14 KB , Yarrawonga - Wangaratta and Wangaratta – Yarrawonga, visit Journey planner or call 1800 800 007 to order a printed copy of your timetable.