myki Pass
If you travel often, buy consecutive days with a myki Pass.

Topping up
Choose where you’ll be travelling and how many days you need. You can buy a myki Pass for 7 days or anywhere between 28 and 365 days.
When you buy a myki Pass for between 325 and 365 days, you only pay for 325 days, and receive up to 40 days free. Select 365 days on a myki machine or ask for 365 days when buying from a shop or ticket office.
Your myki can store two myki Passes at a time.
If you're buying a myki Pass via the Google PayTM app for Mobile myki, you'll only be able to buy passes for 7, 28, 30, 31, 35, 40, 60 and 365 days.
If you buy a myki Pass for Mobile myki online, you can buy passes for 7 days or anywhere between 28 and 365 days.
When your current myki Pass is almost expired, you can buy your next Pass so it's ready to activate when you need it. Only one myki Pass can be active at a time.
Register or log-in to manage your myki and set Auto top up
You can travel as many times as you want in your chosen zones for the duration of the pass.
Your myki Pass activates when you first touch on in one of your chosen zones and expires at 3am on the morning after the last day of the pass.
You can activate your myki Pass for 12 months from the date of top up. Your pass will expire after 12 months if you don't activate it. You can request a refund for the value of an unused Pass.
Using both myki Money and myki Pass
You can have myki Money and myki Pass on your myki at the same time, but you can't choose to use myki Money if you have a valid myki Pass for the zones you're travelling in. myki Pass will take precedence. Your myki Pass won't work if your myki Money has a negative balance.
Expiring inactive myki Pass
A myki Pass may expire if it is not activated within 12 months.
If you are planning to travel within the zones covered by your myki Pass before the expiry date, no action is needed. The myki Pass will activate when you touch on within the zones covered by your pass.
Otherwise, before your pass expires, there are two options:
- You can apply for a refund online by registering your myki and accessing your myki account; or
- You can reset your myki Pass for another 12 months by replacing your myki. Please call PTV on 1800 800 007 (6am–midnight daily), or visit a PTV Hub in person, so we can assist you.