Register your myki

How to register your myki
- If you already have an unregistered myki, you can register your myki online, via the PTV app or by calling 1800 800 007, and registration is instant. You'll need your 15-digit myki number to register.
- You can buy a registered myki online or by calling 1800 800 007, and choose to print your name on it.
If you buy a myki from a retailer, ticket office window or myki machine or buy a Mobile myki, it's unregistered.
Watch the video for steps on how to register online or read more on how to register your myki in the PTV app.
Why register my myki online?
See the cost of your recent trips and balance
You can see up to six months of travel and transaction history via a website account and around 30 days of travel and transaction history via the PTV app.
Simply allow 24 hours for travel and transactions to appear. You can also request up to two years of travel and transaction history by calling 1800 800 007.
You can also see your myki Money balance, myki Pass expiry and last 10 transactions on a myki machine, Quick Top Up or myki Check myki equipment.
Set auto top up
Choose your top up value and minimum balance. For example, set your myki Money to top up with $50 when your balance reaches $10. Learn more about auto top up.
Protect your myki balance if it’s lost or stolen
If your registered myki or your smartphone with a Mobile myki is lost or stolen, you can report it online or call us to block your myki.
For physical myki smartcards we'll transfer your balance to a replacement myki at no cost.
Receive a new myki smartcard when yours expires
Your myki smartcard expires after four years. You can request a new, free myki smartcard through your online account.
Your Mobile myki expires after two years.
Manage another person’s myki
You can register up to eight active mykis on an individual account. For example, one person can manage mykis for family or friends.
View transactions
View all transactions related to your myki for the previous 6 months, select your myki then select Activity. If you need a tax invoice call 1800 800 007 and we'll email your tax invoice to your registered email address.